The September 11th Fund

On the day of the attacks, The September 11th Fund was created by the New York Community Trust and the United Way of New York City to meet the needs of victims, families and communities affected by the terrorist attacks. The Fund ultimately received $535 million in donations to mount one of the largest disaster efforts in the nation’s history encompassing cash assistance, employment assistance, health care and mental health. Leading all communications efforts and a small team, Jeanine Moss (as former Sr. Advisor for Communications) communicated to those affected, the non-profits who received grants to provide services, and worldwide media to propel facts and counteract negative coverage fueled by global anxiety. The September 11th Fund Final Report tells the story from the perspective of those who designed and executed the plan and was recognized with a Gold Award by ARC International (Annual Report Competition).

In a very complex world, where communication matters far more often than it’s achieved, Jeanine is a master. She is smart, thoughtful, creative — and she delivers.

— Josh Gotbaum, Former CEO of The September 11th Fund, Restructuring Manager and Advisor


Financial Women’s Association


NCIA Crisis Communications Manual