Hewlett Packard

Hewlett Packard wanted to hire an internal brand positioning and messaging executive and instead made the strategic decision to hire Nicole DeMeo and Jeanine Moss as consultants to co-lead the function. We stood up an internal messaging team including training and staffing and went on to deliver positioning guides for all major business units from Enterprise to Small & Medium Businesses, Consumer, Corporate and Social Responsibility. Developing processes, strategies and materials, we defined, articulated and produced Hewlett Packard’s overall Corporate Positioning & Messaging Guide used by 50,000 employees in marketing, sales, executive and external facing roles. Supporting Carly Fiorina as she led the organization and completed HP’s merger with Compaq, we also developed the vision, mission, positioning and messaging for HP strategic initiatives including Digital Entertainment Strategy, HP Labs, Hear Music, Sustained Compliance and an alliance so secret its code name was “Viking.” Throughout these efforts, we relied on data and our processes to not only position and articulate the products and services, but also ensure messaging compliance across the entire organization.




The Good Stuff