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[Article] The Ministry of Confusion: Choosing Cannabis

Shhh…Here’s a little *big* secret in cannabis. There’s no good way to recommend it. Sativa or Indica, Purple Haze or Gorilla Glue - they don’t mean anything in regard to effect. So, what’s an advocate to do?

The Problems

  • Sativa and Indica reflect botanic classification and not effect

  • Your physiology and mine are different (we’re also different heights and weights, I bet)

  • Strains aren’t pure

  • Terpenes and other cannabinoids matter

  • “Terroir” is consequential

Cannabis has a variety of cannabinoids for which our bodies have receptors, and cannabinoids affect us differently. There are also terpenes which give off flavor and smell and which relate specifically to calming, pain reduction, and sleep, for example.

Sativa and Indica Differ in Shape and Size Rather Than Effect

Sativa and Indica were categorized by botanists back in the day based on their experience  – the shape and size of leaves and plants (Indica is shorter and squatter, and is thought to originate in India). Even the “godfather of cannabis research” Dr. Raphael Mechoulam doesn’t know about their chemical differences. It’s the THC level and chemical make-up of the plants that cause the effect, and we’re only learning more about that now (with legalization advancing rapidly in the United States and many countries globally). 

There is only one reliable way to know what type and strain of cannabis works the way you’d like it to – and that’s through genetic testing. Strain Genie does cannabis DNA testing to match you with the right cannabis strains, terpenes and dosage. We haven’t tried it yet, but even if we knew what to look for, would we be able to reliably find it?

SUGGESTION:  Focus on cannabinoids (THC, CBD, etc.) and terpene content until we all know more. 


You already know physiology affects everything. And we’re all unique, so what works for me simply doesn’t have the same effect on you. My daughter has half my DNA, is the same height and weight, gets all my jokes, and still doesn’t react the same way I do to cannabis. We need one-to-one medicine (like Strain Genie) to find out what and how much - for all medicines, not just cannabis.

Strain Purity

If a strain is sun-grown there’s nothing you can do about a bee that sups at the sativa flower and then cross-pollinates the indica. Even indoors, where did the seeds come from? Almost everything is a hybrid (possibly everything, but we don’t know for sure). Oh, and what about state lines? Do you think strains make sure to stay on the right side of the fence?

  • Flavor and smell. Some love it, some hate it, others tolerate it for the effect. Flavor and smell come from the terpenes, and terpenes are also thought to impact efficacy. Terpenes like myrcene, which are thought to be relaxing, and terpinolene which are thought to promote activity may do those things, but we don’t know. Because, research. What you CAN do is pay attention to the terpenes in your cannabis and then note the results. 


Remember “terroir” from wine? Terroir is French for “ground” – the earth where grapes (and cannabis) are grown. Terroir has given us “appellations” like Champaign and Emerald Triangle, and the terroir affects the flavor, taste, and some say the effect, too. So that’s another thing to consider. 


Low-Dose Options

Try a low-dose Cannabis beverage (like Cann, with cool flavors like Lemon Lavender), with only 2mg THC. You may or may not feel something at that low a dose, but drinks metabolize much more quickly than edibles – so you can have another. Until you know the right dose for you.


Stay with the lower doses while you experiment. Kiva mints have 2.5mg THC and are a favorite among low-dosers. 5mg is the next dose up, and it’s a good one. If you’re not a “regular” (in which case you already know what works for you), you should feel something – but not for 45 minutes to 1 hour. After that, you can have another if you like (keep it incremental). Warning: cannabis edibles now taste good (before they were horrible) - it’s easy to just want to eat a few more and a few more. Don’t do that!


Vaping and smoking are different. Vaping burns hot on the throat, smoking is for those who like that feeling. Vaping and smoking are good for controlling how you feel – you have a hit, then wait a minute or two, and have another if you like.

If you’d like to follow someone who made the exploration journey, consider watching the documentary Mary Janes the Women of Weed (where Jeanine Moss was featured) and follow director Windy Borman’s research and first-time use of cannabis. It’s fun and informative!

Let the research begin!