Outfront Solutions

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[Article] Crisis Communications Dos and Don’ts

Our hearts go out to the people of Ukraine. We’re doing what we can to help, and meanwhile, we’ve also been fielding requests for communications guidance. If you need help or want to ensure that you’re prepared, ask us.

Here are some basic principles and “do’s and don’ts” to consider in any crisis communications situation:

DO: THINK and ask yourself the following before you communicate. It is:

  • T: True

  • H: Helpful

  • I: Inspiring

  • N: Necessary

  • K: Kind


  • Speculate

  • Be negative

  • Blame

  • Minimize the situation

  • Be defensive

We’ve managed marketing and communications programs globally through some of the most dramatic cultural shifts and crises of our time. Outfront Solutions provides critical communications services before, during, and after crises to help organizational leaders gain control over chaos and build trust, loyalty, and support. For more on our Crisis Communications offerings go to: https://www.outfront.solutions/crisis

About Outfront Solutions

Outfront Solutions is a branding and marketing firm that positions organizations for growth, investment and acquisition. From startup to IPO, Outfront Solutions founders have launched companies and products, supported M&As, and put brands, products, and people on the map. We have managed 8-figure budgets for our clients on multiple continents with globally distributed teams, generated thousands of media placements, attracted funding, and invested in new ventures.

For more information or to schedule a call with Outfront connect with us here.